TRADITIONAL MEDICINALS: Organic Green Tea Peppermint 16 Tea Bags, 0.85 oz
PersonalityCool and refreshing, uplifting.
Herbal PowerSoothes your belly and alleviates digestive discomfort.*
Reason to LoveMentha x piperita, more commonly known as peppermint, is one cool dude. We love the peppermint in this tea, not only for its ability to promote healthy digestion*, but also for its high essential oil content. Our herbalists have carefully crafted this tea by combining green tea, a time-honored healthy beverage, with the extra wellness benefits of uplifting peppermint to support a healthy you.*
TasteUndeniably pepperminty, aromatic and mildly tannic.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.