SMART JUICE: Organic Antioxidant Force 100% Juice, 33.8 oz
SMART JUICE's Antioxidant Force is prepared from organically grown pomegranates, tart cherries, black mulberries, red grapes, purple carrots, cranberries, and blueberries. Chock-full of antioxidants, these fruits are great for your tastebuds and for your body. Pomegranates, tart cherries, red grapes, cranberries, and blueberries are a good source of Vitamin C, a vitamin that not only boosts immunity, but also helps the body absorb iron. Black mulberries are a good source of Vitamins E and K, a vitamin that functions as an antioxidant and a vitamin that helps preserve bones. Purple carrots are full of Vitamin A, which is great for maintaining healthy eyesight.